Dług publiczny Polski w niedzielę, 17 października 2010 r. o godz. 18.30 wg licznika prof. Leszka Balcerowicza wynosił:
734 870 223 803, czyli prawie 735 mld zł. Co godzinę dług zwiększa się o jakieś 6 mln zł. W przeliczeniu na jednego mieszkańca Polski (włącznie z niemowlętami) dług wynosi 19 292 zł (na dzień 17.10.2010 r.) Przygnębiający wzrost zadłużenia można obserwować na żywo w Internecie na stronie:
Professor Leszek Balcerowicz, the mastermind behind Poland’s economic reforms at the beginning on the 1990s, wants the country’s total public debt to be displayed in downtown Warsaw.
On 28 September 2010 at 13.00 CET, Poland’s total public debt amounted to 724,259,822,418 zloty (182,204,927,807 euro). The economics professor and former head of the National Bank of Poland wants the 12-digit sum to be displayed in Warsaw as well as be readily available on a website.
The cost of servicing the debt is to rise to around 38 billion zloty in 2011, roughly the same income to the state coffers from personal tax returns.
“Democracy needs civic society,” Balcerowicz tells the Metro daily, adding that “people need to be organised so that Poland can catch up with the West.”
Balcerowicz also asked for Poles to scrutinise local governments’ public spending ahead of the local elections billed for late autumn.
“Let us ask the local councils why they are hiring more people, as well as demand sensible investments,” the former finance minister said.